Hi everyone! Welcome to our first Favorite Finds Friday. Emily and I have been super busy this week just shuffling through some of our favorite blogs and picking out posts that are our favorites. We are so happy to be able to share some of these with you. Some of these projects are just so absolutely amazing that can't really give it the the admiration it deserves but we can try! So let's get this show on the road!!
Megan's Favorite Finds
1. Express Yourself in Porcelain over at Lemonade Makin' Mama. What caught my eye with this project was the quotes from Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice. That alone made me flip my top and I knew I absolutely had to add this projects to my favorite finds. Not only is this project simple, the finished product has a nice homey feel and I almost wished she had crossed that girly line.

2. 3 Minute Fudge by Potholes & Pantyhose.I am sucker for fudge. My Nannie Ceil makes the best fudge on the planet and no matter how hard I try I can never accomplish her recipe for fudge. So when I came across this little beaut, you can only imagine how excited I was. When I tried this recipe and the fudge came out amazing, I could have almost done cartwheels. Now, it's not my Nannie's Ceil's fudge mind you, but it's pretty close. The fact that I can make this, and make it in three minutes, is like a dream come true. All I can say is thank you, Rebekah. You are truly awesome!

3. Glowing Magical Butterfly Garden by Trish over at Crafty Moods. I absolutely love this idea. And I have it hidden away in my secret future wedding ideas folder. It's so whimsical and romantic and well beautiful. This also a wonderful decorating idea for a girl's room. It's so verstile with ideas and that only adds to the reasons why I love this DIY project.

4. I feel melty at Light&Spoon. The project is wonderful and a great DIY present for newlyweds. Not only does this project feature a personal touch for the couple with the silhouette but it's also very thoughtful and creative. Tell me, how many people are going to give the Bride and Groom a crayon canvas silhouette as a wedding gift?

5. Disney World Map Coasters at Happy Clippings. I am a Disney FREAK! Alex and I go to Disney World at the very least once a year. Sometimes twice. Last year I think we went three times. Anyway, I digress. The coasters are to die for! Every time we go to Disney, we end up bringing back tons of maps and usually we end up throwing them away. For some reason, that's sad for me, but no longer! Debbie has given me reason to keep those maps and I thank her for it. (Bet you thought I was going to talk about weddings again..lol)

Emily's Favorite Finds

2. A Old Door Turned Tree Hall at Crafty Imaginings & Silly Things. My husband and I, especially my husband love old doors. Living in 112 year old house we had some originals when we moved in but some weren't and we've been on the hunt ever since to find them. So since the front door isn't original and it wouldn't be friendly to my heating and cooling cost to install one, I love the idea of making an antique door a coat rack.

3 Antique Cabinet at Life on Walnut Street. Again with the antiques. I love seeing something old come to life again, without losing it's original beauty and I think Sarah nailed it with this cabinet. I would love for this thing to be a side table in my dining room.

4. Black Bean, Corn, & Avocado Confetti Pizza at Sumptuous Spoonfuls. This pizza looks like it is the enemy of my husband. But it looks ahhhmazing. Just look at it. Look! I think I would add some black olives to it and then hide from the world so that no one actually found out I ate a whole pizza at once. But the next time my husband is working late, oh buddy it's on between this pizza and I.

5. No-Bake Chocolate Egg Nest Cookies at Chef-in-Training. I saw these and knew I wanted to make them with Scarlett. Her uncle bought her an apron a few months ago and ever since she has been TRYING to help me cook. Of course when I use my stove 90% of the time she can't help with everything but we could do these together and get in some good mommy daughter time.

So we had some great picks this week, but we are already looking forward and searching for next week's picks. I hope you guys enjoy these wonderful recipes and projects as much as we did. Please stop by and leave some comment love to all of these wonderful ladies, because really... they do deserve it! See you next post!
Thanks for featuring my Old Door project! I love all of your finds.
ReplyDeleteThank you so much for featuring my stuffed mushrooms, I really appreciate it!!
ReplyDeleteThanks so much for the feature! :)
ReplyDeleteThank you so much for featuring my 3 Minute Fudge Recipe. I'm so glad that you not only liked it, tried it and then featured it. That's a triple threat! Great way to start a week!