Hi everyone! You guys ready for some tastiness?

Today, I want to tell you guys a story. About seven years ago, I met my boyfriend Alex. He was working at our local Blockbuster at the time and I went in there constantly just to get a look at him. Can you believe I was actually shy at some point in my life? Yeah, really not that far of a stretch. I'm still a little shy to this day. Anyway, I would go into Blockbuster probably about three to four times a week. Nothing says I love you like a little stalking, right? One day, I went in the early afternoon, there was no one in the store but me and him. Two minutes after I walked into the door he approached me and started recommending movies. Me, of course being the shy person that I am, just smiled, nodded, and blushed like a fiend. I knew he was a very confidant person. It was one of the many reasons why I was attracted to him. So, as he was talking to me, I thought to myself that there was no way a guy like this would ever go for a shy quiet girl like me. Then, he asked me for my email address. He said he would ask for my number but that was against company policy. However, asking for my email wasn't even mentioned in Blockbuster's employee conduct book. Who knew?