
Friday, August 24, 2012

Favorite Finds Friday {17}

Hi everyone! Megan here. So we finally made it back to Friday. This week has been pretty exciting for us here. We launched a giveaway this week. Our first. We are really proud of our participation with Mom to Bed by 8, Powered by Mom, Real Mom Reviews, and Mom Always Finds Out in this giveaway. If you haven't entered already go head and do that now. You can find the entry form here. We have lots more planned for you guys in the next couple of months, so I hope everyone is as excited as we are.

On another note, I found this on Pinterest this week. It's funny because it totally me down to a T. Don't believe me? Ask Alex.

Also, last night Alex and I had our group of yearly Fantasy Football Drafters online last night. (Yes, I am one of those crazy football girls.) This someecard is for all of you ladies out there that can't wait for football season to start.

I'm already rubbing my hands together getting ready for NFL RedZone. GO BUCS!

Whimsically Homemade

Whimsically Homemade

If you were featured we ask you pretty please to grab a button. It's not mandatory, but it would be nice.

Megan's Picks.

1.Ribbon Wreath Plates at Simply Southern, Sweet, Classy, and Sassy. These little plates are so adorable. Wouldn't these just be perfect for a family picnic? What a great way to spice up those old boring paper plates!

2. Duck Tape Laptop Sleeve at Nellie Bellie. I absolutely love this idea. Granted, I don't have a working laptop at this point in time, but I'm definitely keeping this in mind for when I get my new one. With all the cute duck tape designs out there now, this project can easily be adjusted to anyone's personality.

3. Mini Caprese Bites via Framed Cooks. Um...yummy! You guys remember Emily's Caprese Grilled Cheese right? That was such a big hit in my house that I'm sure these would be too! All that caprese goodness in one bite? It's almost too much. Almost.

Emily's Picks

1. Baked Egg Boats at Spoon Fork Bacon. How yummy... I have family coming into town and I am going to make these. This is so easy to get a super delicious satisfying meal that I can make in enough variations that it will please everyone, and not spend all morning in the kitchen.

2. DIY Moroccan-style Wall Stencil via While They SnoozeHow easy did she just make jazzing up a room?  I love the idea and the ease of completely bringing a new feel to a room with only cardboard, a pencil, and left over paint (we ALL love those free projects!). Granted it takes some time to do but well worth it.

3. Toy Mirror by Christina ElaineHow adorable is this mirror? And I promise you I probably have enough little random toys laying around the house to already do it. I love it for a kids room, I might just have to make Scarlett one! 

Melissa's Picks.

1. Book Spine Bookmarks via Green PaperBookmarks! I'm a really big fan of collecting unique bookmarks. These definitely caught my eye. You take an old book spine and turn it into a bookmark. What a good way to recycle worn out books that would be getting thrown away or donated. 

2. Breaking in your Shoes at Coffee, Light and SweetBreak in your shoes in less than 5 minutes. Time after time I buy flats and have blisters by the end of the day. Then I just don't feel like wearing them for awhile. While surfing the web I found this bit of advice. A really simple way to stretch out your new shoes. 

3. Cereal Box Stationary Organizer at Katydid and KidInstead of throwing away your cereal boxes when you are done with them, why not turn them into organizers. I'm constantly throwing my mail in a big pile. Papers get mixed up and it turns into to a big mess. This is a great way to sort that paperwork and it gives you an excuse to use scrapbook paper! Which we all love!! 

Okay, that's it for this week. If you guys have anything that you wish to share with us please to hesitate to contact us. You can find all of our contact information on our contact page. Please be sure to stop by, take a look at all of our featured projects, and leave some comment love. Everyone can use a little love now and again. See you guys soon!


  1. Thanks for mentioning my bookmarks! What an honor!

  2. Your bookmarks were such a great idea! Glad we could share!

  3. Those mini caprese bites are so cool. Cheers

  4. Those ecards make me laugh!! I've pinned so many of them with no end in sight lol.

    Thanks so much for stopping by today and saying hi!! I'm now your newest GFC follower, and I'll follow you back on FB tomorrow :))


  5. Hello ladies! Thank you so much for coming by today :) Glad to be following eachother, and I love your ecards, awesomness

    Hugs, Tanya


Happy Crafting!

Megan@ Whimsically Homemade