
Friday, June 29, 2012

Favorite Finds Fridays {11}

TGIF! For some reason this week seemed unbearably long. I guess that's because I've been feeling yucky all week and it's been raining a good chunk of this week too. I guess I have that tropical storm that was swirling around Florida to thank for that. Some of you might have noticed that there wasn't a tutorial post yesterday and I want to apologize for that. Some of Alex's friends have just come back from Venice, Italy and we've be entertaining them. I will be getting that tutorial post up tomorrow though I promise. Also, I just want to remind those of you that haven't followed us though Facebook to  please follow us through Facebook. Emily and I are going to try start posting more fun things on that media outlet and we would like it if you would join us! Okay So I'll stop my chit chat and get to the good stuff.

Whimsically Homemade

Whimsically Homemade

If you were featured we ask you pretty please to grab a button. It's not mandatory, but it would be nice.

Megan's Picks

1 Edible Teacup Cookies at She Knows. The adorable things remind me of the Mad Hatter in Alice in Wonderland which happens to be my favorite character. These are perfect for a little Alice and Wonderland themed party or just for a little one's birthday. Or any party. I'm sure it will be a crowd pleaser now matter what setting this is in.

2. Perfect Bottomed Cake Pops at Pint Sized Baker. I've made cake pops before. I even have a tutorial on it, but I get so frustrated that I couldn't even get that perfect bottom that I always see that candy store manage. Mystery solved. This will be super awesome for the peanut butter balls I make at Christmas.

3. Father's Day Bouquet at Funky Polkadot Giraffe. So I know it's a little late for Father's Day, but this cute for just about any occasion. I just had to share this because I was amazed and excited at the sight of this. I don't know anyone who wouldn't be impressed if they received this as a gift.

4.Kool Aid Icing at Bear Rabbit Bear Crafts. So, I'm sure you guys have found out last minute that you are expecting to bring something to a party that you were invited to weeks ago. I know that's happened to me. I also end up bring cupcakes, but of course you don't want your host to know that you only did this last minute so you are racking your brain to come up something cool for said cupcakes. Well...TA-DA! Kool Aid Icing!

5. Carousel Cupcakes at While Wearing High Heels. These are soo cute. Alex just started working at a math tutorial center and I have these on my list to make for the little ones. It will be...EPIC!

Emily's Picks

1. Lace Crowns at Girl. InspiredAll I could think about was Scarlett's birthday this week, which is still 6 months away, and so far she has chose a strawberry shortcake theme, I just almost wish she would change her mind to a princess theme so I can make these crowns. They are just too adorable. I love them. 

2. Time Out Bottle at My Crazy Blessed Life I am making this. Lately Scarlett has been super fussy and whiny and just not listening. I think these bottles are a great idea I completely think these would calm Scarlett down when acts up. Leroy may get it too every once in a while...

3. Bring Home Outfit at A Warm Conversation.This is amazing. Last time I held up Scarlett's baby clothes to her, I cried to see how big she had gotten in her 3 little years. Like any mother, I still have her coming home clothes, and so  I will definitely be making one of these. I had never even thought of  doing something like this. 

4. DIY Peacock Tutu at The Train to Crazy I swear almost all my favorite finds are something about Scarlett this week. Last year  I wanted to make Scarlett a peacock but cost wise I could not afford to buy enough peacock feathers. Silly mommy me didn't think anything making feathers! Now she might be a peacock this year.

5.Magnet Board at Josie Jones & Company. So apparently I wasn't using pinterest right... Megan finally taught me that I can see more than what the people I follow post. But I found a magnet board on there that was for sale on etsy, and that got me looking at other ones because it looks so easy to do and I found this one and I just love the way she did it. 

Yay! Favorite Finds! Go forth and comment!! Be merry!


  1. Incredibly flattered to see my carousel cupcakes featured on your lovely site. Thank you so much!

  2. Thanks so much for featuring my Perfect bottomed Cake Pops. It took me a while to figure this one out, but it works great! Even for truffles. Good luck at Christmas time :)

  3. It's no problem you guys! Thanks sooo much for your great inspiration!

  4. So excited to see my cupcake featured! Thank you!!


Happy Crafting!

Megan@ Whimsically Homemade