
Friday, June 22, 2012

Favorite Finds Friday {10}

Yikes! Friday already. I got halfway through my day and realized I haven't don't favorite finds yet. So, sorry it's so late getting our find out, but here they are. Everyone enjoy!

Whimsically Homemade

Whimsically Homemade

If you were featured we ask you pretty please to grab a button. It's not mandatory, but it would be nice.

Megan's Picks

1. Soda Can Key Chain at Diary of a Crafty Lady. I love key chains! I have a whole box just full of key chains that I've collected since I was way little. This little project is just so unique . I have a a coca cola key chain, but nothing like this. I love the fact that you can design it yourself. Can you imagine the possibilities with this? You could even make soda can earrings!

2. Motivation Marbles at Hot Mess Princess. Everyone has been there. The dieting, the exercising, and the feeling sorry for yourself because you just don't have to motivation to lose those few extra pounds. I know I've been there. So when I came across this idea I thought it was too cute and perfect for some that motivation that everyone needs.

3. Lined Canvas Diaper Box at Mandy's Krafty Exploits. You guys have seen the cute little baskets that are canvas lied right? I see them everywhere and the are sooo cute, but way too freakin' expensive! Mandy has given me a solution to that expensive problem. Create your own!

4. Mini Muffin Gift Box at Desperate Craftwives. Did I just say mini muffin gift box? Why, yes. Yes, I did made from a old aluminum foil box. Now, why did I think of that? I always just put them on a plate covered with plastic warp or a tin. But this is so much more adorable!

5. Skinny Vanilla Mocha Frappe at Peanut Butter and Peppers. So. I'm like a starbucks coffee addict. I love my mocha frappes and the pumpkin spice latte when it comes to town. So, when I saw this DIY mocha here I thought PERFECT! It's much cheaper to make myself and easy not to mention SKINNY! 

Emily's Picks

1. Never Ending Chores at Keeping Life CreativeI just did bubble magnets for my mom for mother's day and I never even thought about doing them like this. Such a cute idea and as much as Scarlett loves playing with magnets I think this is an easy way for her to keep track of her chores. Brilliant. 

2. Simple Beach Cupcakes at UncommonOkay so since the beginning of summer was this week I have already decided that I am making these Sunday to take to daycare on Monday. I've already recruited Leroy into helping because he thinks these are just too gosh darn adorable and I agree. Plus the ladies at  daycare loves my cupcakes.

3. Fabric Covered Birdhouses at Tatertots and JelloSo my neighbors have lots of bird feeders, and Scarlett loves to watch them, well mainly because they oil the poles so squirrels who try to climb up slide down and it's funny, but these bird houses would be so much fun to make with Scarlett. 

4.Card File Drawers at The Painted HiveWho doesn't love antiques? Who hates the price of antiques? Completely in love with this knockoff. Distress it a little and boom "oh yeah this was my great grandmother's favorite piece." No one else will know. 

5. Dried Pineapple Flowers at Annie's Eats.How pretty are these? I cannot wait to have something that I can put pineapple flowers on now. White cupcakes? That needs a pineapple flower. Beef Stroganoff? That needs a pineapple flower... maybe I'm only joking on that last part, but these are amazing I can't wait to make them myself. 

Okay! There they are! You guys enjoy. Let us know what you think. Better yet, let our featured blogs know what you think by leaving some comment love for them. See you guys next week!


  1. How wonderful! Thank you so much for featuring my Motivation Marbles on your beautiful blog. I hope your readers who need motivation can find some with these...there really is nothing like the plink, plink, plink of marbles when you get to move them to the Pounds Lost jar. :-) I'm going to poke around your beautiful blog and check out some of the cool things I've seen here. Thanks again!!

  2. Thanks so much for featuring the Lined Canvas box on your blog! I love fabric bins and love saving money, and it sounds like you do too! Happy blogging!

  3. Thanks so much for featuring me :-)
    Love those pretty pineapple flowers and the skinny mocha frappe! Hmmm, seems I've gravitated towards the food related features. Maybe it's time for a chocolate break.

  4. Thank you guys SO much for featuring our little bear cupcakes! Hope you guys are having a wonderful Summer!

    Take care,



Happy Crafting!

Megan@ Whimsically Homemade