Just a short and sweet post as a thank you. Emily and I would like to take this time to thank Kelley over at The Grant Life for featuring us. Being newcomers to the blogging community isn't easy as I'm sure most of you know. So, Kelley we REALLY appreciate the feature and the help of getting us out there! Thanks to everyone for stopping by and checking out our blog!
Megan is more of the from scratch girl between the two of us. For me, with a 3 year old constantly trying to help or needing my attention I like the quick and easy so I will try to jazz up things from a box. I get home from work about 30 to 40 minutes before my husband and daughter get home so I like the things that I can have about ready by the time they walk through the door. With this recipe I take cookie dough and bake it like a cup cake and top it off with a home made frosting. I don't know if it is the brand I use or what but these are so good they could pass as cookie or cupcake. And they don't last in my house you can't walk by them without eating one, they just beg you to consume them.
While baking three cakes this weekend for a client I found myself with an extra layer of my strawberry cake. I thought it would be such a waste to throw away this perfectly good and yummy cake. So, I decided to try my hand at making cake pops. Emily had tried them once before and she said hers had come out the like wet toilet paper balled up and dipped in something that resembled chocolate. (Although, I don't think they really came out THAT bad.) Needless to say, this kinda made me scared to try making them. She's sooo much better in the baking and decorating department than I am. But alas, I put on my big girl panties and just went with it. I was surprised they turned out so well. However...some of my pictures of the process did not. But hey I'm new at this so cut me a little slack.... just a smidge.
Valentine's Day is coming up fast! So Emily and I decided to do a Valentine themed project once a week until Valentine's Day. Not only will it be cheaper on your wallet but it's much more personal than a box of chocolates. So with this project I thought nothing says I love you more than a deck of playing cards with 52 reasons why you love your special someone. The cool thing about this project is that you can customize it anyway you want. All you really need is Microsoft Powerpoint. That's how I created my ultimately simple but totally cool design for my reason cut outs. Also, most of the stuff in the supplies list are things you probably already have laying around house. I suggest you go ahead and write a list of 52 reasons why you love your partner before you start this project. Maybe even take a couple of days to think about it while you are spending time with that person. It makes the project so much more involved and more special. Happy Crafting!!
I love to do a craft and realize "Hey! That was so much simpler than I thought it was going to be!" and these coasters are definitely simple. These coasters are great for a couple of reasons. 1. They are super cheap to make. 2. You can be very diversified with it to match any decor in your house. 3. They would make excellent gifts.. Lets begin shall we?... Let me first apologize for the quality of my camera, it's on it's last leg and is taking pictures like a camera phone from 2002.
HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE!!! I can't remember if I found this recipe while scouring the the thousands and thousands of recipes I go through during my work day or if I just came up with it myself. More than likely I found it since I'm not a creativity genius in the kitchen. But no matter how I found it, it is definitely a crowd pleaser. If your families are anything like mine, there will be a bloody battle to the death for the last cream cheese bar left on the platter. I always have to sneakret some away for myself later or else I wouldn't get any of these little beauties. This recipe usually calls for 9 by 13 casserole dish. The pictures I've taken is for a recipe that's halved, but it's pretty much the same process.
Welcome to Whimsically Homemade. It is here that I hope to share my crafty ideas with my readers and hopefully my life. I hope you're ready!
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