
Monday, October 8, 2012

Mixer Monday {4}

Wow, I can't believe I would ever be excited to see Monday. This weekend was CRAZY busy. You guys might have noticed that we didn't have any favorite finds last week. That's due to the masquerade party that we threw on Friday. We were just way to busy to write up the post. But this week we're going back to our regularly scheduled program. Alright, let's link up some projects!

Whimsically Homemade

A few rules first....

2. Your project must be made by you and specific to this blog. (up to 3 links per blog) 
3. No Esty shops, giveaways, round ups, or commercial sites.
4. Link to the specific post and not your main page.
5. Grab the button and post it on your site so more people can join in the fun here.
6. Lastly, please visit at least 1 other participant(s) and show them some love.

Whimsically Homemade does reserve the right to remove any links that do not follow Mixer Monday rules including but not limited to those that link to your shop, giveaways, round ups, commercial sites, and those that do not link back to Whimsically Homemade. By submitting a link you are authorizing Whimsically Homemade to use your picture and project to be featured. All featured projects will include a picture and a link back to the owner's site.

1 comment:

  1. Happy Monday! Thanks for hosting!

    Kristy @ Shona Skye Creations


Happy Crafting!

Megan@ Whimsically Homemade