
Thursday, September 20, 2012

Thirsty Thursday - Strawberry Coconut Daiquiri

Hey there everybody! Melissa here with another delicious Thirsty Thursday post. Recently I've been on a health kick and we all know some drinks can really pack on the lbs. (aka "beer gut"). Well I wanted to share with y'all a low calorie fun and fruity drink. It's called a Strawberry Coconut Daiquiri and it's only 112 calories. Woohoo! 

What you'll need.
-2 1/2 cups frozen strawberries
-3 Tbs. sugar
-2 Tbs. lime juice
-3 cups ice cubes
-3/4 cups coconut flavored rum (Malibu)

First measure out and combine Strawberries, sugar, and lime juice into blender. Blend until smooth.

Next add ice cubes and then rum.

Blend until frothy. 

And there you have it! A delicious Strawberry Coconut Daiquiri! 

I chose to put mine in a regular glass, but you can serve it up in a pitcher as well. Makes for a fun summer drink that you can enjoy with your friends and family. Also I like to drink mine with a straw. More fun that way! If only I had those little umbrellas to go with it. Alright ya'll enjoy! This is the last "summery" post i'll be doing for awhile. I'm ready for fall!! 

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Megan@ Whimsically Homemade