
Sunday, September 30, 2012

Guest Post: Violet Imperfection

Hi everyone. My name is Leslie and my blog is called Violet Imperfection.

My blog is a little bit of everything, crafting, DIY, recipes and above all about being a stay at home Mama to my six month old daughter, Violet. I am trying to let go of my desire of being perfect and teaching my daughter that life is beautiful, imperfections and all.

Today I am sharing with you a recipe that came from my grandmother's family in Texas. In my family we call it "Texas Family Grape Salad".

You will need:
  • 4lbs of seedless grapes, green / red or a mix
  • 8 oz sour cream
  • 8 oz cream cheese, softened
  • 1/2 cup sugar
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract ( to taste )
Optional toppings:
  • Pecans
  • Granola
To start, rinse the grapes and pull of the stems, set aside.
In a mixing bowl, blend sour cream, cream cheese sugar and vanilla. I use a handheld mixer, you can also just mix by hand.
Stir the grapes into the mixture.
Now if you are preparing this the day before, do not add the topping until the day you are serving. Normally we combine granola ( kashi go lean cereal) and chopped pecans. If I am bringing this dish to a party I will leave the nuts off due to people with nut allergies. Still delicious with just the granola. It is one of those dishes that you can get creative with the toppings. Brown sugar, walnuts, whatever you come up with.
From grapes to deliciousness!
A super simple recipe that is sure to get a lot of compliments.
Thank you so much to Whimsically Homemade for letting me visit their blog. I hope to see some of you over at Violet Imperfection.

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Happy Crafting!

Megan@ Whimsically Homemade