
Friday, August 10, 2012

Favorite Finds Friday {15}

AH! We made it to Friday. I thought it would never come. So, this week we are going to start incorporating Melissa's favorite finds. We are super excited to have her join us. We here at Whimsically Homemade are a tight group of friends and we enjoy the time we spend together. Being as close as we are, we able to depend on each other, confide in each other, and in this case laugh at each other. I found this shifting through the millions of pins I go through almost daily on Pintrest. It immediately made me think of Emily.

Some days I can hear her in office laugh out loud. When I ask her what's so funny she replies that she just sent a text (usually to her hubby) that she thought was uber hilarious. Of course as she tell me what's she texted, she realizes (on her own mind you) that maybe it wasn't has funny as she thought. It happens quite often, but it's one of the many things I love about her. So, enough mushy stuff. Let's get on with the good stuff.

Whimsically Homemade

Whimsically Homemade

If you were featured we ask you pretty please to grab a button. It's not mandatory, but it would be nice.

Megan's Picks

1. Fabric Covered Resin Table at Tatertots & Jello. I love this cute little table and idea. And Jen makes it look so easy, although I know I would make this table look a hot mess if I tried it myself. 

2. Homemade Butterfingers at Plain Chicken. Butterfingers are one of my favorite candies and with only three ingredients to make these bad boys all I can say is...YES please!

3. DIY Hollowed Light Bulb at TeamDroid. I see really cool projects with light bulbs. Light bulb vases...light  bulb terrariums. And I always have the same question. How in the heck to the hollow those suckers out? Well, my question has been answered.

Emily's Picks

1. Board and Batten at Just a GirlI love how easy this is! I have wanted to do this in my home for a while but with the lay outs of doors  and windows I don't think it would work at my house, but a girl can dream when it's this easy and cheap to do! 

2. Mumkin at Circa Dee. Guess who is ready for fall? This chick! I already got excited because my power bill went down a whole $15 dollars, that's the first indicator fall is coming, just like the groundhog seeing it's shadow. I think these "mumkins" are too adorable and I can't wait to put some on my front porch. 

3. Cheesy Garlic Cauliflower Breadsticks at Mom, What's For Dinner?  Alright, just like any other mom, I am always looking for ways to sneak veggies into Scarlett's mouth. So I am going to make this and call it "pizza". I can't wait to see if it taste as good as it looks! 

Melissa's Picks

1. Homemade Bug Spray at I Can Teach My Child I have such a problem with mosquitoes at work and the commercial brands aren't always good for you. If it can take off your nail polish then how healthy is it to be spraying it all over your skin. That's why i'm always looking for new bug sprays. 

2. Terrarium Magnets at Happiness IsThis is such a unique project and not something you would find everyday.

3. Spray Painted Doily Canvas at Shey BThis is a really neat looking. Maybe a quick and easy way to decorate around the house.

Please please please go check out all of our lovely finds this week. Leave some comment love because we all love feedback. Everyone enjoy their weekend. See you soon!


Happy Crafting!

Megan@ Whimsically Homemade